June is national safety awareness month. There are plenty of tips and tricks for us to review to stay safe in the gym. Safety in the gym is very important to health and continuing exercise without injury.

There are many things you can do to help stay safe in the gym and prevent injury:
1. Follow gym rules.
· Use good etiquette, such as walking to your next machine, not crowding around machines or benches that are being used
· Keep water bottles and towels out of walking paths can help keep the area clutter and trip hazard free.
· Wear clean indoor only shoes with good support for your joints.
· Avoid distractions like cell phones, and loud music in your ears.
· Put away equipment after using it and not letting it lie out.
2. Be physically aware.
· Use proper form at all times during exercise and don’t cut any corners
· Work in a safe intensity and duration pattern for you and your needs.
· Use modifications when you feel you need them. If you don’t know how to modify ask for help or avoid the exercise until you can get more information.
· If you are not feeling well or are injured, don’t go to the gym until you are feeling better and have seen a doctor for your condition.
· Listen to your body. Take breaks and drink water throughout your session.
· Prepare yourself and lower your risk of injury with a dynamic warm up.
· Cooling down properly will also set you up for success in feeling great the rest of the day and preventing injury so you can stay on track.
3. Seek help when you need it.
· Don’t be afraid to ask trainers or other gym attendants if you have a question. That is what they are there for and most exercise people love answering exercise questions!
· If you’re new to the gym or feel you need some extra guidance the best way to stay safe is take classes or hire a personal trainer who has a degree and a nationally accredited certification in fitness to design a program just for you.
Following these recommendations will help keep you and others safe in the gym. We want to see you all safe, healthy, and active always! Remember the WellBound team is here to support you!
Stay safe!
~ The WellBound Team
Peterson, James A. Ph.D., FACSM 10 Common-Sense Safety Tips for Exercise Enthusiasts, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal: March 2009 - Volume 13 - Issue 2 - p 46
doi: 10.1249/FIT.0b013e3181998c64