What are May Baskets anyway? With our May basket exchange coming up soon we have had a lot of questions this week about what May Baskets are and how they should be made. Here are some brief highlights:
History of May Baskets
In the early 1800s May Baskets were seen as a romantic act. Men would create little baskets filled with flowers and sweets for a special lady who has caught their eye. This was to be done without them knowing, like a secret admirer. Should the lady see and catch them in the act then they would chase the man and try to steal a kiss, but he would be made fun of by his friends if he did get caught.
Moving into the early 1900s May Baskets became an act of neighborly kindness, with people making baskets and leaving them for friends, family, and neighbors; still secretly, on their door knobs.
The tradition has dwindled over the years, but is still recognized in some communities to help celebrate spring. We will be keeping it alive this year and having our own May basket exchange at WellBound on April 29th!

How do you make a May Basket?
We have set a $10 limit for our May baskets.
The base: can be a small basket, cup, vase, jar, rolled paper, or anything that can hold what you want to put inside, it doesn’t have to be new, large, or fancy. Many people make them bright and colorful by using fun paper, drawing on the sides or decorating in other ways with fun springy colors.
The contents: You can put anything inside that you want. Small trinkets, flowers, baked goods, and sweets are most popular. Tea, coffee, candles, and flower seeds are other items we have seen in baskets too. It’s all up to you and how you would like to share springtime cheer with others!

How to exchange: Attend our event and we will have a system to randomize how baskets will be exchanged, if you bring a basket you will leave with a different one. Some are unable to attend the event but have said they will bring a basket early, we will save a basket for them to pick up when they get back, if you are unable to attend and still want to play along just let us know ahead of time!
Registration deadline is April 26th. Coffee is free for all who attend, exchanging May Baskets is optional. Either way just let us know you are coming so we have enough seating prepared!
Call 402-506-4333 to reserve your seat or let us know at the front desk!
Can't wait to see you all there!
~The WellBound Team